Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Super Street Fighter IV

Everyones favorite street fighting game (Street Fighter) is coming back! Again!

This seems like pretty much the exact same trailer as there was for the original Street Fighter IV. While it makes the game look awesomely stylized as fuck, it doesnt really do the game justice. Alot of fans were unhappy with this fact,

So lets look a little more in depth,

Super Street Fighter IV (note the super) was revealed on September 28 with this trailer. Needless to say, this trailer really didn't appease the fans very much, showing pretty much no details about the game. What we do know is that it will have eight more playable characters, lots of new levels, an improved online mode, and balancing tweaks inspired by fan feedback.

     This all sounds like a pretty good addition to the franchise, but I found myself wondering, "Gee, I sure would be mad to have to pay full price for a couple new skins!" But alas, even that problem has been thought of and a solution has been formulated. Quoted from wikipedia, "On September 28, 2009, Capcom officially announced the game, revealing it to be a standalone title. According to developer Yoshinori Ono, this is because the changes, which comprises of eight additional character, improved character tweaks based on community feedback, and an improved online mode, were too extensive to release as DLC. As a compromise, the game will be released at a lower price point, and there will be as-of-yet unrevealed features for people who already own Street Fighter IV."

So, really, all the fans have nothing to worry about!

Also, a gameplay trailer was released on the 29th, so here it is for your viewing pleasure.


  1. I can't wait for the new sf! umm why did you repeat the features near the end?

  2. Because it was in the quote and describing why it wouldn't be DLC, and i didn't think the quote would make sense without it.

  3. I love Tyler and Reid!

