Tuesday, October 27, 2009

D&D - Part One

Our unsuspecting heroes were sitting at the quaint tavern in the town of Seawell. Six characters in total; Meaghan's character, Vache the half-elf cleric, my very own Starfox, the dwarven fighter, Luke's Ethios, the elven ranger, Goofy Ricky's Sir Brickhouse X, the gnomish bard, Joey's Pye, the halfling sorcerer, and Kazimier, Alex's elvish rogue.

The following are the events that followed in our first serious startup in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5.

I should do a update about every week to keep a cohesive storyline going on.
The six were sitting around the table, they were all vaguely familiar with who each other were and what they had accomplished in their respective lifetimes. One of them had noticed a piece of parchment sitting on their table, "HEROES WANTED FOR SPECIAL TASK", the headline read. They followed the directions scrawled on the paper, it led them to the village elder.

"I am glad someone finally showed up. It seems that the lighthouse on the other side of the swamp has gone out. Would you brave the swampland and fix our spotlight, merchant ships are due any day now, and without that lighthouse they will surely crash and burn and die!" The elder told them, a hint of despair in his voice.

Our heroes had their mission laid out ahead of them. They would depart at noon the following day.

Given the choice between tunnels or the faster, and safer, high ground, they chose to travel along the forest paths to the swamp. It was mere hours before they encountered their first problem.

Starfox had gotten to comfortable with his surroundings. Mistaking it for a log, an alligator leapt out of the shadows and clamped its jaws down firmly around his abdomen. While Starfox was screaming in pain and loosing massive amounts of blood, Kazimier got behind the creature and laid a punch directly in the monsters face. Seeing this as an opportune moment, Vache let out a massive white light and almost instantly Starfox's wounds stitched themselves together. Enraged that this pitiful animal had gotten the better of him, Starfox raised his massive great axe and brought it down with such force that it severed the head clean off of the creature. Satisfied with their revenge, the team trekked onward.

They were approaching the base of the lighthouse now. After a close encounter with a couple of massive panthers, they managed to run away and gain some time. Still on edge, they cautiously approached the entrance to the lighthouse. The door was locked. Starfox was not one for patience, so using his mighty dwarven strength, he burst through the door like it was paper, pieces of wood flying all over the empty lighthouse interior. A sly grin took over his face, all of his teammates stood there dumbly looking at him, not able to believe he just destroyed the door. The group wandered around the lighthouse for a little while, Starfox busting doors down everywhere.

They had made it to the second floor when they decided the lighthouse was abandoned. Busting through one of the random doors on the second floor, Starfox found himself face to face with two pirates. They immediately drew their scimitars and looked at him. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Vache went up and tried to reason with the pirates. They weren't going to listen. One of the pirates clumsily swung at vache, just skimming her shoulder enough to do a very small amount of damage. Out of nowhere, Pye showed up and shot a magic missile, the blue energy burst straight through one of the pirates foreheads and out of the back, and gave the second pirate a pretty bad burn. Sir Brickhouse X, being a bard, started using his skills to distract the second pirate with a joke. That's when Ethios let an arrow fly from the back of the battle, it buried itself deep between the eyes of the mesmerized pirate.

Pye whipped out a small knife and carved the tongues from the pirates' mouths with disturbing precision. He smiled at his teammates as he put them his his bag.

That battle had taken a toll on the travelers, but they had a mission to do. They decided to wait to rest until after they had re-lit the lighthouse. They made it up the final staircase and to the very top of the lighthouse. They were greeted with a shattered flame housing. Pye used his excellent mending abilities to repair the glass, while Ethios used his flint to re-light the massive flame.

After this our heroes decided it would be a good idea to spend the night at the top of the lighthouse. A panther snuck up on them. Luckily, Vache did not require sleep because of her elvish background. After the spotting the creature, she shattered its skull with her mace, and went back to her meditation.

When they awoke they spotted a sketchy looking town from the top of the lighthouse. Suspecting it was a pirate village they set out to investigate.

On their way to the village they encountered a strange lizard woman. Vache used her charms to get some information from her. She told them that it was indeed a pirate village they were heading towards, and that she would help them kill all of the pirates. Thankful for her help, they began to hatch a plan to storm the village.

They had split up into two groups, Group one consisted of; The lizard lady, Starfox, and Ethios, Group two was; Vache, Sir Brickhouse X, Pye, and Kazimer. Group one snuck around the right side of the village, hoping to surprise their enemies from behind. Group two took the front approach to distract everyone while group one ambushed. Everything was going fine, Sir Brickhouse X was distracting and group one managed to wipe out all of the ground forces.

The only thing left was the archer tower.

After much debate on how to get the archers down, and taking a few arrows, group two decided to try to smash the supports. With Starfox still in combat they were left to have their cleric, Vache, try to take the supports out. This did not work. Then they got the wonderful idea to throw some oil on it and light it on fire. This also did not work. Starfox was getting fed up with waiting for these guys to die. He rushed forward after just killing his foes, and smashed the supports in one fell swoop. The tower came crushing down, killing the two pirate archers.

Their mission was complete and they headed back to the village, split up the reward, and went to the pub to await their next epic adventure.


  1. Good job team, may our adventures always be awesome.

  2. lies and slander, get the story right noob

  3. it is mostly accurate! don't be such a douche all of the time.

  4. Let the record show, meaghans a bitch, i have all the tongues and the last battle is not accurate.

  5. The last battle was a shit show. no one knew what was happening.

  6. fuck you joey. you're a bitch.

  7. i take that back, joey you're not a bitch. you are right. you are the only one who knows what happened cause you rule and have an elephants memory

  8. no, no. you are right, i am a bitch.

  9. joey, you're so modest. don't be afraid to take credit for everything that happened. we're so thankful that you saved all of us when you came up with the battle plans that ultimately lead to our victory.
    Thank you SOOOO much.
    you are not a bitch and tyler needs to stop pretending to be you.

  10. ....................../´¯/)
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

  11. I'll defend our honor. Fuck you mob. MAGIC MISSILE CRIT PWND!!!!!


  13. You forgot to mention how we sexually ravaged the lizard lady

  14. I stuck a gnome up my ass for fun.

  15. ....................../´¯/)
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

  16. Hey Meaghan, I wanna tap that ass later
