Tuesday, October 27, 2009
D&D - Part One
The first of these being Korrok The Unseeable. This is a blog created and maintained by our friend Alex Frid, a fellow Humber student. It is a blog about media in general, and is just really hard to classify. But definitely check it out.
The second link we have added is to The Static Urgent. This site is created and maintained by Matt Thomson, Isaac Springall, and Matt Stuart. It is another very indescribable blog. It has really entertaining, and really unique, posts.
Monday, October 26, 2009

This is it everyone, the time we have all been waiting for one of the greatest games of all time is coming to the Wii and possibly the 360 and PS3. Earlier this year Activision leaked the news that they planned to release a new James Bond game in 2010. After the leaked information nothing else was heard about it until now!
According to the CV(resume) of an animator at Eurocom Entertainment Software named Craig Peck a new Goldeneye game is being developed for the Wii gamezine.co got a hold of Peck's CV and it says:"Eurocom Entertainment Software, Derby, United Kingdom: July 09 – Sept 09 Animator – GoldenEye 2010 (Wii) - Animator on Activision’s James Bond series for the Nintendo Wii”
When more information is released I will post it here but for now Goldeneye fan can rejoice and have something to look forward to
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 New Characters!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Left 4 Dead Leaked Trailer
This video was leaked late last night and, as always when dealing with Valve, it does not dissapoint at all. It seems they are injecting a bit of a storyline into our zombie killing this time around, and the special infected look wonderful...and annoying...and awesomely badass.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast Demo Impressions

Let this be clear, I am no fanboy of the Dragon Ball Z series or of fighting games, but I adore the outrageous DBZ fight scenes as well as the famous meme that is at least over 9000.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Mass Effect 2 Release Date Announced

The voted "Best of Show" game for E3 2009 finally has a release date. EA announced yesterday that Mass Effect 2 will be available for sale in North America on January 27 with Europe getting it later on the 29th, as usual. "Any preorder bonuses?" you ask? Certainly. Most retail stores are giving out codes for the Inferno suit (seen below left) which looks an awful lot like Iron Man and increases negotiation skills, run speed, and combat damage. Gamestops or EB Games in Canada will be getting a code for the Terminus suit (seen below right). It augments run speed, damage, shields, and adds an additional magazine of reserve ammo. The M-490 Blackstorm Heavy weapon (also seen below right) is also added to EB Games preorder package. From what I've heard it generates a localized gravity well, so it's going to be kicking ass and taking names. All I can say is it's about time we heard something about the sequel to my favorite RPG and I cannot wait to preorder some awesomeness.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Apology to Play Station Owners
Anyways for that I am sorry that I cannot provide you with a review but what I can tell is that I have heard nothing but good about this game. If you'd like to tell me about it, please leave a comment below. In conclusion, I can't afford it because I have a state-of-the-art laser being shipped to me from China, and I hear DF2 is great. That is all.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
WoW Patch Update
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Thy Mushroom Kingdom Come
Just a quick little video. This nice little Left 4 Dead mod is courtesy of DoritoClock. And it looks like a good amount of fun for all you PC L4D players out there.
Monday, October 5, 2009
EA Joins the comic book industry!
Dead Space 2 Development Announced

Lego Rock Band
So here I am sitting in the lounge of my residence, doing some homework and mindlessly browsing the newest Kotaku posts. When all of a sudden I stumble upon a post titled 'Lego David Bowie Sways Under The Serious Moonlight."
Turns out it was Lego Rock Band.
Captivated, I click on the read more button. (hint)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Marvel Civil War
Hero versus hero, villains hired by the government to track down heros, an armoured avenger versus a patriotic icon, where can you find all of this? Inside marvel's civil war. I know what many of you are thinking, that civil war happened over a year ago but with the recent release of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 which deals heavily with the civil war storyline I figure why not review one of the most in depth marvel storylines.